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Workforce Development Programs
Americans Thrive goal is to provide fundamental life, education, and workforce skills that together form the building blocks for better lives and creating a community of excellence. American Thrives specializes in developing and delivering outcome-based programs that build both employment and life skills to all Americans entering today’s workforce.
The U.S. Department of Labor recently made available $82.5 million in Reentry Employment Opportunity grants and $5 million in Fidelity Bonding Demonstration grants to improve employment opportunities for young adults and adults exiting the criminal justice system.
The grants are part of the effort on criminal justice reform. In December 2018, President Donald J. Trump signed the First Step Act, which endeavors to reduce recidivism and ensure successful reentry of ex-offenders back into the community. On April 1, the Department hosted an event – Strengthening America's Workforce – to discuss paths for Americans transitioning from the justice system into the workforce

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